Image of fondazione Prada

Image of Fondazione Prada

Image of Scartezzini ITAS

Image of SHL R26

Image of giardini d'inverno

Image of UnipolSai Citterio

Image of Park Tortona 35

Image of Manifattura Bulgari

Image of Bulgari Hotel Citterio

image of Hines Porta Nuova project Milano

image of 3d printing

image of Laser Cut - Azerbajan

image of Bologna station Isozaki

image of laser cutted design

image of laser cutting

image of cnc milling

image of oneoff lab

Image of porta nuova project Hines Milano

Image of porta nuova project Hines Milano

image of city life skycreaper Isozaki Milano

Image of Park Associati
Over 9000 models in 18 years
ONEOFF has been making prototypes and architectural models since 2003, bringing together new technologies – laser cutting, rapid prototyping, 3D printing, CNC milling, photo-etching – and traditional craftsmanship techniques.
For ONEOFF the true raw material is the mathematical model, thanks to which all kinds of technologies, materials and results are possible.
ONEOFF can create a direct link between idea, sketch, digital model and highly reliable physical models at competitive prices and in reduced time frames.